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(Countries covered by "Action dans le Monde")


Action dans le Monde (ADM) is a humanitarian and missionary centre. The vision of this non-governmental organization (NGO) is to reach the underprivileged and equip the youth in an effective and creative way.


ADM wants to make a difference with the people  around us. We believe it is possible for us to do the impossible and achieve the unreachable. We also firmly believe that investing all our strength and all our resources will change the future of a suffering generation. For this, we mainly use the means of art, culture and multimedia .

ADM's vision is nations, all nations. We do not want to reach just one country, region or continent. We also believe that through education, training, mentoring and time we can make a step change.


(Kids of Bethlehem)

To be able to accomplish its Vision, ADM works in favor of:


Charitable Action
* ADM helps deprived, forgotten, weak and disadvantaged people in society,
* ADM seeks to develop a dialogue with the various social actors in society while ensuring that it does not display or promote any political color , but put forward only human values ​​and Christian principles.

the Unit
* ADM supports existing works,
* ADM helps the development of pioneering, emerging works, in times of transition and/or in difficulty,
* ADM supports and works to promote foreign NGOs. It helps in their installation and/or their development,
* ADM makes sure to include all the different current ecclesiastical colors in each of their actions.


* ADM operates throughout the world to teach professionals and young leaders,
* ADM publishes teaching materials for the general public,
* ADM trains and equips young people,
* ADM publishes and translates foreign ministerial materials,
* ADM trains people and prepares for action in the social and humanitarian fields.




ADM plans to set up its next branch in North America. Objective ? Set up its next offices in order to work in partnership with charities present on the continent. 



After America, ADM plans to establish a branch in Oceania. Objective ? Set up its next offices in order to work in partnership with the charities present on the continent.

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