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The Volunteer Passport is a personal booklet recognizing volunteer experience and promoting the skills mobilized and/or acquired. It is recognized by major public organizations such as Pôle Emploi, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports or the AFPA (National Agency for Professional Training of Adults), and this , for life !


Thanks to this voluntary passport, the skills mobilized or acquired in the context of voluntary missions can be valued in the perspective of job search or professional development.


Since 2002, a voluntary activity is even recognized within the framework of the requests of Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE), which means that your periods of volunteering can help you obtain all or part of a certification (diploma, title for professional purposes, certificate of professional qualification, etc.). Note that anyone with at least 1 year of experience directly related to the certification in question can apply for VAE, regardless of age, nationality, status or level of training.


Not to mention the positive impact of your participation in a volunteer mission! It is also a major asset to highlight on your CV! Indeed, your involvement with an association says a lot, not only about your know-how but also about your life skills — a quality much sought after in many companies. Each member of the NGO will be given a Volunteer Passport. Thus, your commitment will be recognized!

Participate in a humanitarian volunteer program!

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